59 Besatzungsmacht USA Brutal Ruthless

Syria Under the American Whip: Sanctions that Kill

Syria Under the American Whip: Sanctions that Kill
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on 
The Cradle’s Syria Correspondent
The western sanctions weapon is not new to Syria, but since 2019 it has become a lethal one, destroying entire Syrian sectors and killing its people.
The impact of western sanctions and the US military occupation of Syria has crippled the nation’s economy and undermined its ability to respond to major natural disasters of this kind. The situation issue pressing that the Middle East Council of Churches issued a demand on 6 February for the immediate lifting of sanctions on Syria so that Damascus can deal with the humanitarian fallout from the tragic earthquake.
In 1979, Syria was subjected to Washington’s sanctions for the first time when it was designated a state sponsor of terrorism, and banned from exporting goods and technology to the US. This came as punishment for Syria’s support of Iran during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988), leading also to a suspension of financial aid from Persian Gulf monarchies (approximately $1.5 billion annually) and a suffocating economic crisis, known as the “crisis of the eighties.”
Less than a decade after a short period of economic prosperity in Syria (the net domestic product increased by about 49 percent between 2000 and 2010), the 2011 foreign-backed war was launched, wreaking havoc on the Syrian economy. Widespread damage was inflicted both by the direct destruction of economic facilities and sectors during combat operations, and by a series of US-driven sanctions, which reached their peak with the 2019  Caesar Act and last year’s Captagon Act that targeted Syria’s indigenous pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.
A double stranglehold
In contrast to most cases in which the US and its EU and NATO allies employ economic sanctions to impose an external economic blockade on nations, the sanctions against Damascus are accompanied by a further internal blockade.
This is achieved by foreign military control over oil resources and critical agricultural fields in northeastern Syria – the “bread basket of the Levant” – which are under the control of the US-backed and Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the “Autonomous Administration” areas.
Damascus is thus subjected to a double stranglehold by depriving it of its oil (the main source of foreign exchange). Energy sales constitute about a quarter of Syria’s export earnings, and covers 90 percent of its domestic market needs. Before the war, in 2010, Syria produced 4 million tons of wheat, a strategic agricultural staple which provides food self-sufficiency and domestic sustenance, about a quarter of which is then exported.
Today, the country has not only lost access to its vital agricultural lands, but western sanctions prevent Damascus from importing these essential staples to feed its population.
This has exacerbated the effects of the blockade on the Syrian people, who are currently going through one of the most severe living, economic, and health crises in their modern history, and are left unable to secure basic daily needs of bread and medicine.
Informed sources tell The Cradle that Damascus is incurring double burdens to secure basic commodities – because these cannot be imported directly – which forces the Syrian government to resort to brokerage firms to circumvent US and European sanctions.
The sources point out Russia’s critical role in securing wheat for Damascus, but this too comes with a financial burden of high shipping fees. Similarly, while Iran provides oil to Syria through a credit line, its transportation is carried out by private companies that face harassment from US authorities – whether by detaining shipments (e.g. in Gibraltar and Greece) or by including participating oil tankers to US sanctions lists.
Under sanctions, Syria is facing great difficulties in rebuilding its key agriculture, industry, energy, education, and healthcare sectors which were destroyed in a war in which Washington played a leading role. Damascus has been reduced to seeking out regional alternatives and intermediary companies to circumvent its stranglehold, or receiving help from friendly countries such as Russia or Iran.
This, of course, comes with its own downsides for the US, as it helps forge closer Syrian political and economic ties with Washington’s adversaries. Today, it is Iranian companies, for example, that carry out maintenance operations and construct new power plants in Syria.
Sanctions upon sanctions
Most of the unilateral sanctions against Syria date back to 2011 when then-US President Barack Obama expanded existing punitive measures under the Syria Accountability Act (2004). The new sanctions included a ban on flights, restrictions on oil exports, financial restrictions on entities and individuals, freezing Syrian assets abroad, travel bans on Syrian officials and business leaders, and severing diplomatic relations with Damascus.
In 2019, the US enacted the Syria-specific Caesar Act, granting Washington the authority to impose sanctions on anyone – regardless of nationality – who conducts business with Syria, participates in infrastructure and energy projects, provides support to the Syrian government, or supplies goods or services to the Syrian military.
The Captagon Act, passed by the US Congress in 2022 to combat the illicit trade of a drug made famous by foreign-backed jihadists in Syria, has the temerity to blame Damascus for the origins of Captagon, and seeks to destroy what is left of the country’s renowned pharmaceutical industry.
In 2011, the EU banned exports of weapons, goods, and energy technology to Syria. It also imposed a ban on the import of Syrian oil and minerals, and any commercial and financial transactions with the Syrian energy sector. These sanctions were expanded in 2018 to include asset freezes and travel bans on individuals and entities allegedly involved in the use of chemical weapons.
Britain imposed parallel sanctions on Syria after its exit from the EU, with several allied states jumping the bandwagon, including Canada, Australia, and Switzerland. Arab countries, including Qatar and Saudi Arabia who financially and materially assisted in the war against Syria, have imposed their own variation of sanctions on Damascus too.
A Humanitarian crisis
The horrifying deterioration of Syria’s humanitarian and living conditions – as a direct result of oppressive unilateral sanctions that violate international laws and conventions – prompted the United Nations to dispatch UN Special Rapporteur on Unilateral Coercive Measures and Human Rights, Alena Douhan, to Damascus between 30 October and 10 November, 2022, to assess the impact of sanctions.
In a statement after her 12-day visit to Syria, the Special Rapporteur presented detailed information about the catastrophic effects of unilateral sanctions across all walks of life in the country.
Douhan reported that a startling 90 percent of Syria’s population was currently living below the poverty line, with limited access to food, water, electricity, shelter, cooking and heating fuel, transportation, and healthcare, and warned that the country was facing a massive brain-drain due to growing economic hardship
“With more than half of the vital infrastructure either completely destroyed or severely damaged, the imposition of unilateral sanctions on key economic sectors, including oil, gas, electricity, trade, construction and engineering have quashed national income, and undermine efforts towards economic recovery and reconstruction.”
The UN rapporteur said that the blocking of payments and refusal of deliveries by foreign producers and banks – coupled with sanctions-induced limited foreign currency reserves – have caused serious shortages in medicines and specialized medical equipment, particularly for chronic and rare diseases.
She warned that rehabilitation and development of water distribution networks for drinking and irrigation had stalled due to the unavailability of equipment and spare parts, creating serious public health and food security implications.
“In the current dramatic and still-deteriorating humanitarian situation as 12 million Syrians grapple with food insecurity, I urge the immediate lifting of all unilateral sanctions that severely harm human rights and prevent any efforts for early recovery, rebuilding and reconstruction.”
“No reference to good objectives of unilateral sanctions justifies the violation of fundamental human rights, she added, insisting that “the international community has an obligation of solidarity and assistance to the Syrian people.”
Calls to lift Syria’s sanctions
The UN report sheds further light on sanctions-targeted Syrian sectors, revealing that the Syrian economy has contracted by more than 90 percent, and that prices have risen more than 800 percent since 2019.
Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost, and sanctions block the importation of “food, medicine, spare parts, raw materials, and items necessary for the country’s needs and economic recovery,” Douhan reports. In addition, Syria “pays more than 50 percent higher prices compared to neighboring countries to obtain its food needs.”
The UN rapporteur has called for the unilateral sanctions that the US and EU have imposed on Syria to be lifted immediately, stressing that they are illegal under international law. “I urge the international community, and the sanctioning states, in particular, to pay heed to the devastating effects of sanctions and to take prompt and concrete steps to address over-compliance by businesses and banks,” she stated.
Her report illustrates clearly that the tightening of unilateral sanctions and trade restrictions have generated a long-term economic crisis in Syria, with an increasing rise in the level of inflation and a continuous decline in the value of the local currency from 47 Syrian lira against the dollar in 2010 to more than 5,000 lira in 2022.
Electricity and water
The sanctions have also prevented Damascus from rebuilding damaged infrastructure especially in remote and rural areas, and have caused a “shortage of electricity,” leading to daily blackouts.
The UN’s report made particular mention of the deterioration of the public water supply and irrigation systems, whose rehabilitation has stalled due to the unavailability of equipment and spare parts, with serious implications for public health and food security. It stated that the lack of drinking water in vast swathes of Syria is the cause behind the current cholera outbreak in the country.
Healthcare Sector
Douhan’s report also shows that power outages led to the failure of sensitive and expensive medical equipment, for which spare parts could not be purchased due to commercial and financial restrictions. It reveals that 14.6 percent of Syrians suffer from chronic and rare diseases, and that there are foreign-made obstacles to purchasing medicines – especially for patients with cancer, dialysis needs, high blood pressure, and diabetes, in addition to anesthetics – due to the withdrawal of foreign drug producers from Syria, and the inability to import raw materials and laboratory reagents to produce medicines locally.
Although medicines and medical devices are not directly subject to sanctions, the ambiguity and complexity of licensing processes, and the producers and suppliers’ fear of penalties, ensures that access to life-saving solutions becomes very difficult – especially after the adoption of Washington’s Captagon Act.
Agriculture and food security
Due to water and energy shortages, and financial and trade constraints, the amount of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, fodder, and spare parts for agricultural machinery have decreased. Syria’s agricultural crop production declined from 17 million tons annually in 2000-2011 to 11.9 million tons in 2021.
Wheat harvests have decreased from 3.1 million tons in 2019 to less than 1.7 million tons in 2022. While Syria was historically an exporter of wheat, it is now importing it through a network of intermediaries, which increases Damascus’ financial burden significantly.
A strategy to serve Israel’s interests
The US and its allies justify their Syria sanctions as a means of exerting pressure on “rogue” countries to force an alteration in their policies. The extensive experience of this US policy in numerous countries, however, clearly shows that sanctions are mainly a political tool used to subdue governments by devastating their populations.
The sanctions against Syria have resulted in a serious food crisis, with 12 million Syrians – over half of the population – facing food insecurity and 2.4 million suffering from severe food insecurity, according to the World Food Programme (WFP).
These sanctions are depleting the life resources of the Syrian people, which Damascus believes is largely related to its conflict with Israel, with Tel Aviv being seen as the biggest beneficiary of Syria’s slow destruction. The UN Special Rapporteur on Unilateral Coercive Measures and Human Rights will present her final report on the impact of the sanctions to the UN Human Rights Council in September 2023.

US Sanctions Hinder Humanitarian Relief Efforts in Syria

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on 

The Terrorism Pretext: US-ISIS-Kurdish Nexus Preserves Occupation of Syria

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on 

Kriegsverbrecher Trump und Biden vereint gegen Syrien
It’s getting harder to ignore. The persistent ISIS presence in the Syrian desert only serves US aims to continue its military occupation and support for Kurdish separatism.
In March 2019, former US President Donald Trump startled Washington’s war establishment by announcing that the mission of “eliminating terrorism” had been accomplished in Syria.
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Syria and US War Crimes: The Reckoning is Coming

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on  Christopher Black

US plundering oilfields
The history of the war against Syria by the US and UK, Israel and their allies is well-known, the cruel sanctions, the aerial bombings, the missile attacks, the assassinations, the torture, the illegal occupation of the Golan Heights by Israel with US support, and, finally, the US invasion of Syria that began in 2015 with US special forces raids into its territory on a number of occasions that year and 2016 and the formal entry of US forces on March 8, 2017. Their invasion has continued to this day.
During the summer of 2017 US forces laid waste the city of Raqqa, Their carpet bombing of the city, their heavy artillery strikes and use of white phosphorous shells, banned under international law, killed hundreds of civilians, and today Raqqa lies in ruins.  Their terrorist allies laid waste Aleppo, Damascus and numerous other cities and towns and villages with a savagery as common to US trained groups, as it is to the US forces themselves.
US Terror Stealing Syrian Oil

Stealing Syrian oil exposes US nature as a robber

By Lu Xue

Published: Aug 30, 2022 08:12 PM

Last week, the US conducted fresh rounds of air strikes in Syria, and meanwhile, its efforts to steal Syria’s oil have come to a new high. (…)

 The US occupation forces on Monday brought out 123 tankers loaded with Syrian oil from al-Jazeera fields toward Iraqi lands, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency. (…).

On August 8, the Syrian Oil Ministry said that the US and its mercenaries were stealing an average of 66,000 barrels of oil per day in Syria, about 80 percent of Syria’s daily oil (…). But now, in the context of factors such as the ongoing Ukraine crisis holding oil prices near their highest levels in years, the US can gain far more from stealing Syria’s oil (…)
, the US also wants to weaken the incumbent Syrian government economically

.“Syria’s economy is now in a state of plight. After more than a decade of war, it has retrogressed to what it was like decades ago, with severe problems such as currency devaluation and shortages of food and energy. The military efforts by the US and the West have not defeated the administration of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, but the current economic crisis puts Syria in a quite challenging situation. As oil is a major pillar of Syria’s economy, by stealing it, the US is actually attempting to worsen the Middle Eastern country’s economy and undermine local people’s livelihoods. In this way, Washington intends to overthrow the current Syrian governmen


US Troops Smuggle 89 Tankers of Stolen Syrian Oil into Iraq

Internationalist 360° Aug 14 2022

image 38
Al MAyadeen The United States is still plundering Syrian oil, stealing the country’s resources via illegal border crossings and siphoning them out to further line its pockets. The US occupation forces in Syria have looted 89 oil tankers from Syria and smuggled them into Iraq through illegal crossings, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Sunday, […]

US military hid airstrikes that killed dozens of civilians in Syria – NYT

By REUTERS Published: NOVEMBER 13, 2021 23:10

The NYT report said that US Central Command, which oversaw US air operations in Syria, acknowledged the strikes for the first time this week and said they were justified.

Israel Attacks Syria’s Latakia Port for the Second Time This Month

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on DECEMBER 28, 2021

US hid an airstrike that killed 70 women, children in Syria in 2019:

published by ARABIA NEWS on november 14 2021
The US military hid an airstrike in which it bombed a large crowd of women and children in Syria’s Baghuz town, killing dozens, during the last days of the battle against ISIS in 2019, the New York Times reported on Saturday.
On March 18, 2019, an American F-15E attack jet dropped a 500-pound bomb on the crowd huddled against a river bank, killing dozens. As survivors tried to scramble away, the jet dropped a 2,000 pound bomb, then another killing most of them.
An analyst at the US military’s Combined Air Operations Center at al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar typed on a secure chat system: “We jet dropped on 50 women and children.”

Syria Why the US Massacre at Al-Baghouz?

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on DECEMBER 28, 2021
Under media pressure, the US military admitted to its March 2019 massacre of dozens of civilians in the Syrian border town of Al-Baghouz. But that same media also promoted the Pentagon’s false cover story: That this happened as a result of the US military ‘fighting ISIS’.
The fog of war is used to muddy all evils.
The New York Times prided itself on uncovering the fact of the massacre of dozens of Syrian civilians and exposing the coverup. However, it then simply adopted the Pentagon’s claim that this bombing occurred “in the last days of the battle against the Islamic State in Syria when members of the once-fierce caliphate were cornered in a dirt field next to a town called Baghouz”. This context was pure fiction.

How America Armed Terrorists in Syria

Published by CONSORTIUM NEWS on juin 23, 2017
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” to curb weapons going to Al Qaeda-linked jihadists in Syria, has attracted only 14 co-sponsors pointing to hypocrisy in the “war on terror,” as Gareth Porter explained at The American Conservative

The US Airstrike on Syria: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss, and the Boss before that 

By Scott Ritter Global Research, March 01, 2021

Geopolitische Strategien: Abschneidung Syriens von seinen wichtigsten Ressourcen

Die Raubritter des Mittelalters sind wieder da –aus den USA 

einartysken Einar Schlereth 4. Dezember 2020 

Tag für Tag, Woche für Woche und Monat für Monat stehlen die Yankees Erdöl aus Syrien im Wert von 30 Millionen Dollar. Aber es sind nicht nur einfache Raubritter, sondern auch Raub-Mörder. Da jeder, der sich ihren Räubereien in den Weg stellt, wird umgenietet. Das machen sie ja nicht nur in Syrien, sondern genauso in Venezuela, wo sie vor kurzem einen ganzen Öltanker klauten und das Öl für viele Millionen verkauften. 


Biden and Erdogan: Oil Smugglers    


Global Research 

March 25, 2021 
Turkey would like to continue to enjoy the smuggled oil it used to receive from the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.
The United States, still benefits from that smuggled oil. On March 23rd, a convoy of more than 300 tankers left Syria’s Hasaka region and entered Iraq.
Washington’s oil repatriation is not proceeding without a hitch either. On March 23rd, several rockets hit a US military base near the Conico oil field in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor. Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen TV reported that the US suffered casualties. Little else is known.

Trump und Erdogan vereinbaren Besatzungszone in Syrien 

Pressemitteilung von Heike Hänsel, 18. Oktober 2019

Pressemitteilung von Heike Hänsel, 18. Oktober 2019

Sollten die Waffen im Nordosten Syriens tatsächlich schweigen, wäre dies natürlich zu begrüßen. Doch die Grundlage der Einigung auf eine fünftägige Waffenruhe ist die Akzeptanz einer völkerrechtswidrigen Invasion der Türkei, verbunden mit der Einrichtung einer völkerrechtswidrigen Besatzungszone in Syrien“, erklärt Heike Hänsel, stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Fraktion DIE LINKE. Hänsel weiter:„Die Türkei handelt völkerrechtswidrig und verstößt gegen die UN-Charta und den Nordatlantik-Vertrag der NATO und soll dafür von US-Präsident Donald Trump belohnt werden. Erst machen die USA unter Duldung der EU sowie Deutschlands den Weg frei für eine türkische Invasion in Syrien. Und nun setzt sich die Türkei auch mit ihrem lang gehegten Wunsch nach Einrichtung einer dauerhaften Besatzungszone auf syrischem Staatsgebiet durch, einschließlich des von Erdogan angekündigten Bevölkerungsaustausches. Das ist gleichwohl völkerrechtswidrig und wird den Menschen in Syrien keine Sicherheit bringen. Dies wird keine Sicherheitszone, sondern eine konfliktträchtige Besatzungszone.
image 40
Militärische Präsenz der USA in Syrien zur Absicherung der syrischen Ölfelder vor dem Zugriff des „Islamischen Staates“
(pdf)Ausarbeitung Wissenschaftliche Dienste Deutscher Bundestag

Mein Kommentar
Es ist schon erstaunlich, welche Muehe sich die Wissenschaftlichen Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages machen, um die Praesenz amerikanischer Truppen in Syrien zu rechtferigen. Begruendet wird die Rechtfertigung mit Bekaempfung
von ISIS in deren Hochburg Idlib. Die USA unterstuetzen in diesem Kampf die sogenannte Freie Syrische Armee. Dieses Haeuflein desertierter syrischer Soldaten hat keinerlei Legitimation, sowie die USA kein Mandat haben.
Die regulaeren syrischen Truppen selbst versuchen, die Provinz von der Terrorherrschaft der ISIS zu befreien. Sie tun dies mit der Hilfe Russlands um dessen Unterstuetzung die syrische Regierung gebeten hat

US Illegal Occupation Establish New Military Airport in al-Yarubiya Area, Hasaka Countryside posted by INTERNATIONALIST SYRIA 360° on JULY 1, 2020 Hasaka, SANA

US occupation forces established a new illegitimate base , including a military airport in al-Yarubiya area in Hasaka countryside to strengthen its illegitimate presence in the Syrian al-Jazira area with the aim of looting oil and Syrian underground wealth and main crops.

US Establishing New Military Base in Hasaka 

posted by INTERNATIONALIST SYRIA 360°on AUGUST 14, 2020 Hasaka, SANA

The US occupation Forces on Friday brought in military and logistic equipment into agricultural airport in al-Yaroubia area in Hasaka countryside in preparation for establishing a new illegitimate military base in a new violation of the international laws and norms. 

 US Convoy Laden with Weapons and Logistic Materials Enters Hasaka Countryside   

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on AUGUST 16, 2020Hasaka, SANA      

“Local sources affirmed to SANA reporter that a convoy of vehicles belonging to the US occupation forces laden with weapons and logistic materials entered from the Iraqi territories through al-Walid illegitimate crossing to al-Shadadi illegitimate base, south of Hasaka City.                                                                                              Over the past months, the US occupation forces have brought thousands of trucks laden with weapons and military and logistic equipment to Hasaka province through the illegitimate crossings to enhance their illegitimate presence in the Syrian al-Jazeera region and to support the armed militias which steal the Syrian oil and gas and smuggle them abroad.
Ruaa al-Jazaeri

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

US Sneaks Another Convoy Containing Dozens of Vehicles Into Syria Via Iraq 

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on SEPTEMBER 17, 2020

US forces have brought in a convoy consisting of 58 vehicles into Syria’s al-Hasakah province from Iraq through the al-Waleed border crossing point, SANA has reported, citing civilian sources in the nearby al-Yaroubiya countryside.
The vehicles reportedly included armoured military vehicles, trucks carrying cement plates, and other equipment, with the convoy making its way for the city of Qamishli, the site of last month’s deadly clash between US and Syrian forces, which left one Syrian soldier dead and two others injured.
Kampfhandlungen zwischen US Truppen und den SAF sind aber eher Scharmützel und relativ selten. Die illegale Präsenz der letzten verbliebenen amerikanischen Soldaten soll die Ausbeutung syrischer Ölquellen durch eine US Firma garantieren. Da ein militärischer Sieg immer unwahrscheinlicher wird, soll Assad durch die Kappung seiner wichtigste Ressourcen wirtschaftlich in die Knie gezwungen werden.
Die syrische Armee hat mit russischer Unterstützung Al Qaeda und seine blutrünstigen Ableger in ganz Syrien erfolgreich bekämpft und hat sich nun daran gemacht, auch die letzten verbliebenen Terrorgruppierungen wie HTS, Al Nusra und die vielen Splittergruppen aus ihrem Rueckzugsgebieten in der Provinz Idlib zu vertreiben, bzw. zu vernichten. Man sollte eigentlich annehmen, dass dies auch im Interesse der USA ist. Wir erinnern wie hoch an 9/11 die Wellen der  Empörung schlugen. Mit Recht. Man hat diesen scheußlichen Terroranschlag sogar zum Anlass genommen, den Irak anzugreifen. Zu Unrecht und völkerrechtswidrig. Doch in Syrien unterstützen die USA AlQaeda durch Waffenlieferungen  und schwächen Syrien zusätzlich, indem sie das Land seiner natürlichen Ressourcen berauben

US-Firma „kümmert sich“ um Ölförderung in Nordost-Syrien

31. Juli 2020  Thomas Pany
Die Modernisierung der Ölanlagen im Nordosten Syriens ist notwendig, allein schon wegen der Umweltschäden. Ob eine US-Firma mit einem Ex-Delta-Force-Kämpfer an der Spitze die richtige Adresse für Umweltschutz ist? 
Schon seit Jahren stehlen die USA syrisches Öl und schwächen damit die syrische Wirtschaft entscheidend.

Schwere Vorwürfe aus Moskau 26.10.2019 

Nach Angaben der USA sollen zusätzliche Truppen die Ölfelder im Osten Syriens schützen. Russland wirft Washington dagegen „staatliches Banditentum“ vor: Satellitenfotos würden Ölschmuggel beweisen.Im Einsatz seien zudem private Militärfirmen.
Hier die syrische Sicht auf die permanenten Verletzungen der syrischen Souveränität und des Völkerrechts durch die Aggressoren aus den USA. Die amerikanischen Eindringlinge begnügen sich aber nicht mit der Errichtung von Militärbasen, sie stehlen auch in großem Umfang Oel und Baumwolle und bringen es ausser Landes. Durch das Abbrennen von Weizenfeldern schädigen  sie die Bauern und berauben  die Menschen ihrer natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen. Das kann man nur als besonders infam und inhuman bezeichnen. Diese Strategien sind nicht neu, Washington hatte sie schon im Irak angewandt. Auch die Nazis hatten im 2.Weltkrieg in Griechenland nach dessen Kapitulation und der Besetzung durch die Wehrmacht und die SS einen gigantischen Raubzug gestartet, wovon auch Firmen wie Reemtsma und Krupp profitiert haben, ähnlich wie heute amerikanische Ölfirmen aus dem Diebstahl syrischen Öls ihren Nutzen ziehen.

 Energie-Krieg um Syrien: Vertreibungen entlang der Pipelines

Der Krieg um Syrien ist nur auf den ersten Blick unübersichtlich. Bei genauerem Hinsehen zeigt sich: Kämpfe zwischen Söldnern und Regierungstruppen finden nur dort statt, wo wichtige Pipelines verlaufen oder geplant sind. Russland, die West-Mächte und die Golfstaaten kämpfen um die beste Ausgangsposition für Gas- und Öllieferungen für den europäischen Markt. Deutschland spielt in dieser Auseinandersetzung keine Rolle.
Zwei der wichtigsten Öl-Märkte befinden sich in den syrischen Städten Manbidsch und al-Bab, die sich wiederum beide in der Provinz Aleppo befinden, berichtet die Financial Times. Durch diese beiden Städte verläuft auch die wichtigste Pipeline, die Öl aus dem Irak – aus Mossul und al-Qaim – nach Syrien bis in die Provinz Idlib transportiert. Dieselbe Pipeline verläuft im Westen auch durch die Stadt Aleppo bis zum Öl-Markt in Idlib.Wer immer Manbidsch kontrolliert, hat einen großen Einfluss auf den Öl-Transport in Syrien. Dasselbe gilt für Aleppo, Idlib und al-Bab im Westen des Landes. Im Osten des Landes verläuft dieselbe Öltransport-Linie durch Rakka und Deir Ezzor. Das Öl, das durch diese Transportlinie fließt kommt aus Mossul, über Sinjar nach Deir Ezzor und ein zweiter Strang von al-Qaim nach Deir Ezzor.

US occupation sends convoy of weapons, logistic equipment to its base in Koniko oilfield in Deir Ezzor countryside

17 March، 2021
Deir Ezzor, SANA- US occupation forces have sent weapons and logistic materials to Koniko oilfield, northeast of Deir Ezzor, with the aim of reinforcing its military base in that area.
Local sources told SANA that a convoy consisting of several vehicles and trucks loaded with weapons and logistic equipment affiliated to the US occupation forces entered Koniko oilfield in Deir Ezzor northeastern countryside, which they turned it into a military base to reinforce their presence and to plunder the Syrian resources.
The US occupation continuously brings military and logistic reinforcements to the areas it occupies to reinforce its bases, as it deliberately and in collusion with the so-called QSD militia has turned many oilfields, governmental facilities, schools and clinics in the Syrian al-Jazeera area into military bases.
Hala Zain

The US is Hindering Syria’s Recovery

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on SEPTEMBER 11, 2020,  Ekaterina Blinova
The US] deprives the Syrian government of the revenues of oil through appointing the Kurdish ‘Syrian Democratic Forces’ group as ‘guards’ of Syrian oil fields”, she emphasises. “The US openly steals 200,000 oil barrels from the Syrian oil fields on a daily basis. It has also stolen 400,000 tonnes of cotton and sets fire to thousands of hectares of wheat fields. It has stolen 5 million livestock. It is deliberately weakening the value of the Syrian pound.”

US Forces Steals 30 Tanks Loaded with Syrian Oil

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 Hasaka, SANA 
The US occupation continues looting the Syrian oil from the Syrian Al-Jazeera area, sending a convoy consisting of dozens of tanks loaded with oil from the Syrian lands towards Iraq through the illegal al-Walid crossing.
Local sources told SANA reporter that a US occupation ‘s convoy consisting of 30 tanks laden with stolen oil from the oil wells it occupies in the Syrian al-Jazeera area left on Saturday evening to the Iraqi territories through the illegitimate al-Walid crossing in al-Yaroubia area in Hasaka eastern countryside.”

US Smuggles Three Dozen Oil Tankers Out of Syria by Dead of Night

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on SEPTEMBER 24, 202
“Northeastern Syria, home to the vast majority of the country’s oil, is also where most US troops in the country are concentrated. Damascus has repeatedly accused US forces and their Kurdish allies of stealing the nation’s oil, with intelligence confirming the shipment of tens of millions of dollars of black gold out of the country every month.Last year, Russian military intelligence released a report on US oil-smuggling activities in Syria, revealing that the Pentagon, the CIA, private military contractors and Kurdish militias were engaged in the illegal shipment of more than $30 million-worth of Syrian oil out of the war-torn country each month.
Mit der Besetzung und Ausbeutung der Ölquellen zerstören die USA eine der wichtigsten Einnahmequellen des Landes und berauben Assad auch der Mittel für den dringend notwendigen Wiederaufbau. Sie verschärfen gleichzeitig die Not der Zivilbevölkerung. Das ist Teil der Strategie Trumps, Assad auch ohne einen militärischen Sieg aus dem Spiel zu nehmen. “Before the start of its foreign-backed civil conflict in 2011, Syria produced about 400,000 barrels of oil per day, enough to provide the country with energy self-sufficiency and up to 20 percent of the state’s revenues. Production dropped dramatically during the war. Syria and its allies see the return of the nation’s energy resources as a crucial requirement for rebuilding the country from the estimated $200-$400 billion in damage caused during the conflict. However, President Trump has repeatedly pledged to “take” and “keep” Syria’s oil and to prevent it from falling into the hands either of terrorists or the Syrian government.” so Syria INTERNATIONAL 360.

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on SEPTEMBER 24, 202

US Policy Towards Kurds in Syria, Iraq Aimed at Undermining the Region

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on SEPTEMBER 25, 2020

America’s Broken Syria Project by Tony Cartalucci

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on SEPTEMBER 24, 2020
The US also claimed its continued presence in Syria officially seeks to confront and eliminate the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (ISIS), but official accounts maintained by the US government and the US Department of Defense on an almost daily basis provide a wide and every-shifting number of excuses.
The region the US occupies is also where the majority of Syria’s petroleum is extracted and America’s “protection” of these resources is part of a wider strategy – not to fight ISIS – but to deny the Syrian state which has eliminated ISIS from all territory it controls – both energy and revenue from its own natural resources
In essence, the US is in Syria weakening the Syrian government who has led the fight against ISIS and provoking confrontations with Russia who has been key in aiding Damascus against ISIS, Al Nusra, and other affiliates of Al Qaeda

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