Der 3. Golfkrieg Operation Iraqi Freedom
20 Lies About the Iraq War
By Glen Rangwala and Raymond Whitaker
Global Research, March 19, 2023
The Independent 13 July 2003
On the 20th Anniversary of Invasion of Iraq It Must be Clear: The U.S. Is the Greatest Threat to World Peace and Collective Humanity
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By Ajamu Baraka Global Research, March 17, 2023 Black Agenda Report 15 March 2023
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History teaches that the greatest threat to peace today is the United States. No other nation creates dangers as great as those emanating from the U.S. commitment to the doctrine of Full Spectrum Dominance.
As anti-imperialist and Anti-war activists are preparing to mobilize in Washington D.C. on the 20th anniversary of the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq by the U.S. and its Western colonial allies, it is imperative that authentic anti-imperialist forces and those earnestly committed to an Anti-war principle recognize two things: the U.S. based transnational ruling class is fully invested in the doctrine of U.S. “Full Spectrum Dominance,” and as a consequence the U.S. state has become an existential threat to collective humanity on our planet.
The recognition of these two “facts” are the only basis of a politics that can unite Anti-war and anti-imperialists and mitigate the ideological and political confusion that permeates progressive politics in the U.S. that has resulted in progressives and even self-defined radicals supporting pro-imperial policies under the guise of humanitarianism and anti-authoritarianism. The Eurocentric and social-imperialist left has played a nefarious role also providing left ideological and moral cover for those same politics under the guise of opposing “authoritarianism,” usually in the global South, and in Russian or Chinese imperialism.
Read more:
Iraq War Remembrance, March 20, 2023: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium
Unspoken War Crimes
Global Research, March 21, 2023 8 November 2009
Iraq War Remembrance, March 20, 2023: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium
Unspoken War Crimes
By Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi Global Research, March 21, 2023 8 November 2009
The following text was presented to the Kuala Lumpur International Conference to Criminalise War, Putra World Trade Centre, 28-31 October 2009.
For more than three decades [since 1991], the United States of America and the United Kingdom have been waging continuous wars on Iraq to occupy this oil rich country.
The armed forces of those two countries attacked civilians with different kinds of conventional, non-conventional, and banned weapons such as cluster bombs ammunitions, napalm bombs, white phosphorous weapons and depleted Uranium weapons.
Depleted Uranium (DU) is a radioactive and chemically toxic heavy metal. If ingested, inhaled, or it enters the human body through wounds or skin, it remains there for decades.
Within the human body the (DU) particles would be a continuous source for emitting alpha particles. With its toxic effects, published research & epidemiological studies have proved that it causes serious health damages to the human body. Some of the damage to the human body is to lymph tissue, kidneys, developing fetuses, neurological system, the bones, lung fibrosis, and an increase in the risk of many types of cancer and malignancies.
Hundreds of tons of (DU) expenditure have been fired & exploded on Iraqi highly populated areas like Basrah, Baghdad, Nasriya, Dewania, Samawa, and other cities.
Exploration programs and site measurements by Iraqi and non-Iraqi researchers all proved the existence of (DU) related contamination over most Iraqi territories.
Iraq’s Minister of Environment admitted in July 23, 2007 in Cairo that “at least 350 sites in Iraq are contaminated with (DU)”. She added that the nation is facing a tremendous number of cancer cases and called for the international community to help Iraq cope with this problem.
A few years after exposure to (DU) contamination, multifold increase of malignancies, congenital malformations, miscarriages, children leukemia, and sterility cases have been registered in suburb areas of Basrah and other surrounding areas. Similar problems appeared in Falluja, where illegal weapons were also used intensively in the 2004 attack of occupation forces on the city. More than two million of the Iraqi population died since 1991 because of the synergic multiple impact of using (DU) weapons, economical sanctions, and the destruction of the health care systems.
The economical sanction that were also imposed by USA and UK administrations deprived the children and people of Iraq their rights in food, potable water, health care, sanitation and other life supporting necessities.
The USA and UK administrations have subjected the whole nation of Iraq for two decades to torture and slow death through the intentional use of radioactive weapons and the sanctions. The continuous and intentional use of radioactive weapons is a crime against humanity due to its undifferentiating harmful health effects on civilians in contaminated areas tens of years to come after the military engagements. The existence of (DU) radioactive contamination in the surrounding environment is a continuous source of exposure to low level radiation. This exposure can be considered as a systematic attack on Iraqi civilians in an armed conflict, according to Article 4 of the official regulations and Article 7 of the ICC.
This paper is submitted to present the facts and scientific evidence regarding the intentional use by the USA and UK of depleted uranium weapons against the people and environment of Iraq, in addition to the health consequences that have been result from them.
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Das Scheitern im Irak
The Lessons Not Learned From Iraq
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Twenty years on, the war still shapes policy—mostly for the worse.
MARCH 17, 2023, 6:00 AM
Hintergrund: Der Dritte Golfkrieg
Angriff auf den Irak – ohne UN-Mandat.
Auf Druck der neuen UN-Resolution 1441 und um die US-amerikanischen Vorwürfe zu entkräften, lässt der Irak am 27. November 2002 erstmals wieder UN-Waffeninspektoren ins Land – deren Tätigkeit allerdings massiv behindert wird. Am 5. Februar 2003 tritt US-Außenminister Colin Powell vor den Weltsicherheitsrat: Er führt den Beweis, dass der Irak im Besitz von Massenvernichtungswaffen sei. Sein Vortrag gleicht einer Multimedia-Präsentation, bestehend aus „Fakten und Schlussfolgerungen auf der Basis geheimdienstlicher Erkenntnisse“. Doch Washington gelingt es nicht, eine Mehrheit unter den Mitgliedern des UN-Sicherheitsrats von der Existenz der Waffen zu überzeugen. In seinem Resümee vom 7. März 2003 beklagt sich der Chef der UN-Rüstungskontrollkommission Hans Blix zwar über die lückenhaften Dokumentationen, die der Irak geliefert habe; viele Fragen würden offen bleiben. Andererseits gebe es aber keine Hinweise auf die Existenz von Massenvernichtungswaffen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund kann Washington keine internationale, sondern nur eine „Koalition der Willigen“ für einen neuen Krieg zusammenschmieden. Vor allem Deutschland und Frankreich lehnen einen Angriff ab, der aus ihrer Sicht nur neues Chaos und Leid produzieren könne und die gesamte Region zu destabilisieren drohe. In der ganzen Welt kommt es zu Protesten gegen den drohenden Krieg in Form von großen Massendemonstrationen. Kritiker der US-Regierung und die Friedensbewegung werfen Bush vor, einen Krieg wegen Öl führen zu wollen. Mitte März 2003 fordert US-Präsident Bush Saddam Hussein zum wiederholten Male auf, zusammen mit seinen Söhnen das Land zu verlassen. Als daraufhin keine Antwort erfolgt, beginnen US- und britische Truppen am 19. März mit dem Angriff auf den Irak – ohne UN-Mandat.
Irak-Krieg:120.000 Tote, 2,1 Billionen Dollar und eine Lüge
Vor zehn Jahren zogen die USA in den Krieg gegen den Irak. Diktator Saddam Hussein wurde gestürzt und ermordet, die Massenvernichtungswaffen aber nie gefunden.
Am 20. März 2003 rief der damalige US-Präsident George W. Bush den Krieg zur „Entwaffnung des Iraks“ aus – und lässt die Hauptstadt Bagdad angreifen. Man müsse die Welt vor den Massenvernichtungswaffen des Landes und der Verbindung von Machthaber Saddam Hussein zum Terrornetz al-Qaida schützen, so der Präsident.
Zehn Jahre später ziehen mehrere US-Wissenschaftler Bilanz: von mindestens 120.000 Toten wird ausgegangen, die Kosten des Krieges werden auf bisher 2,1 Billionen Dollar geschätzt. Der Nutzen für die USA sei bescheiden, während der Irak ein Trauma durchlitten habe. Radikale Islamisten hätten Auftrieb erhalten, Militärangehörige würden bis heute an neuropsychologischen Erkrankungen leiden.
Streitkräfte einer 48 Nationen umfassende Koalition griffen im Dritten Golfkrieg den Irak an und stürzten die Regierung von Saddam Hussein. Der Irak wurde übergangsweise als Protektorat verwaltet, im Sommer 2005 wurden Wahlen abgehalten und offiziell die Regierungsgeschäfte an die gewählte Regierung übergeben. Die amerikanischen Truppen verließen das Land 2011.
Geheime US-Dokumente 23. Oktober 2010
Die Dokumente belegen unter anderem Folterungen in irakischen Gefängnissen und die hohe Zahl ziviler Opfer.
Sie dokumentieren den blutigen Alltag des Kriegs und illustrieren die Hilflosigkeit der US-Truppen angesichts des zunehmenden Chaos im Irak.
Julian Assange sagte dem US-Nachrichtensender CNN , die Dokumente belegten ein „Blutbad“ in bisher nicht gekanntem Ausmaß.
Die Unterlagen dokumentieren auch, dass an Straßensperren mit US-Soldaten hunderte irakische Zivilisten getötet wurden. Einer internen Aufstellung der Armee zufolge wurden zwischen der Invasion 2003 und Ende 2009 insgesamt etwa 109.000 Iraker getötet, 63 Prozent von ihnen Zivilisten.
The Nightmare: The Iraq Invasion’s Atrocities, Unearthing the Unthinkable
Today we commemorate. Our thoughts are with the people of Iraq. March 19 2021 marks 18 years since the US-UK led war on Iraq in 2003. But that war did not start in 2003. It is an ongoing 30 years wars. It is part of a broader war against humanity.
This article by Felicity Arbuthnot
was first published on October 9, 2010.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” François-Marie Arouet -“Voltaire” (1694-1778.)
I have a deeply held belief that the duty of a commentator is, to the best of one’s ability, to record, to shine light in often dark places, to act as a voice for those whose own voice, fears, plights might not be heard or known. To write about the emotions one sometimes feels when doing it, is an anathema and anyway a redundancy.
The purpose is to attempt to draw attention to wrongs, not to whinge about the effects they can have – and any way, a private life should be just that. If politicians wish to strip themselves of their dignity and allude to everything from their sex life, to using private grief to gain sympathy votes, those with a shred of self-respect do not wish to emulate them. Here, I am breaking my taboo, for a reason.
“The Sloppy Dossier”: Plagiarism and “Fake Intelligence” Used to Justify the 2003 War on Iraq: Copied and Pasted from the Internet into an “Official” British Intel Report
Today we commemorate. Our thoughts are with the people of Iraq. March 19 2021 marks 18 years since the US-UK led war on Iraq in 2003.
Historically however this war on Iraq did not start in 2003. It was preceded by the so-called “Gulf War” in 1991 and it was followed by the “Third US led War” against Iraq under the banner of Obama’s 2014 “counter-terrorism bombing campaign”: Several stages of a process of permanent warfare.
And now Joe Biden is preparing the fourth stage of this unending war against the people of Iraq.
This article first published in June 2005 focusses on the fake intelligence which was used as a justification to invade Iraq in 2003. The intimate details of this fake intelligence revealed by Dr. Glen Rangwala was known to the media prior to the onslaught of the US-UK invasion on March 19, 2003. See below the full text of Prof. Rangwala’s presentation to the House of Commons in June 2003.
The Iraq Death Toll 15 Years After the US Invasion
Numbers are numbing, especially numbers that rise into the millions. But please remember that each person killed represents someone’s loved one.
March 15, 2018March 19 marks 15 years since the U.S.-U.K invasion of Iraq in 2003, and the American people have no idea of the enormity of the calamity the invasion unleashed. The US military has refused to keep a tally of Iraqi deaths. General Tommy Franks, the man in charge of the initial invasion, bluntly told reporters, “We don’t do body counts.” One survey found that most Americans thought Iraqi deaths were in the tens of thousands. But our calculations, using the best information available, show a catastrophic estimate of 2.4 million Iraqi deaths since the 2003 invasion.
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