01 Senil President Biden Ruthless Trumpism

Here’s What Trump’s Peace Plan Might Look Like and Why Russia Might Agree to It

By Andrew Korybko Global Research, November 07, 2024
Putin might agree to freeze the conflict along the Line of Contact in spite of prior rhetoric against this scenario in the event that Trump threatens to escalate the conflict as punishment if he doesn’t.
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By Andrew Korybko Global Research, November 07, 2024


Will Trump break with the president’s disastrous foreign policy?

Seymour Hersh Nov 07, 2024
It wasn’t close. 
Americans once again rejected a flawed female Democratic candidate in favor of Donald Trump, who comes to office with grievances and revenge on his mind, along with a welcome determination to end the war in Ukraine and a far less welcome commitment to continue the Biden policy of unfettered support for the murderous Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister.
Here are some day-after thoughts about an election I thought in my dotage that Trump would not win, especially because his campaign gave no sign of any regrets for his abysmal response to his defeat by Joe Biden four years ago.
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Great Again

Attentat und Auferstehung. Nach einer turbulenten Woche in den USA erscheint die Wiederwahl von Donald Trump wahrscheinlicher als je zuvor. Diese Auswirkungen hätte ein Trump 2.0 auf Weltpolitik und Handel.
„Ich stehe in dieser Arena nur durch die Gnade des allmächtigen Gottes vor Ihnen.“ Mit diesen Worten spricht Donald Trump am Donnerstagabend in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, das erste Mal nach dem Attentat zu seinen Wählern.
Das Pflaster sitzt noch am rechten Ohr, das vom Schuss des Attentäters getroffen wurde. Einige Zuschauer tragen ihr Ohr ebenfalls bedeckt. Andere tragen Käsehüte (Wisconsin ist für 26 Prozent der Käseproduktion des Landes verantwortlich). Oder beides.
Der Mann, der die Amerikaner gespalten hat, steht nun als Versöhner vor ihnen. „We rise together or we fall apart“. Dreieinhalb Tage hat er sich im Stadion gemeinsam mit 20.000 Republikanern bereits seine Lobeshymnen angehört, genickt, gelächelt, gedankt. Jetzt geht es ums Ganze:
Under our leadership the United States will be respected again. No nation will question our power. No enemy will doubt our might.„Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!“, rufen
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Trumpism and the future of democracy in America

Clingendael Institute

Donal Trump President America Caricature Vector: Stock-Vektorgrafik  (Lizenzfrei) 1098030170 | Shutterstock

Trump became the new embodiment of the rejection to the struggles in the 1960s and 1970s for equality and democracy. His nostalgic slogan ‚Make America Great …
efying the predictions of pollsters, pundits, and even common sense Donald Trump won the presidency of the United States. Contrary to the surprise and shock in the U.S., commentators and even scholars in Africa and Latin America suggested that Americans should seek advice from experts of these regions on how to understand the political strategy and appeal of Donald Trump.
Perhaps they were right. After all before Trump American right-wing populist politicians like George Wallace, Ross Perot, and Sarah Palin challenged the political establishment but were confined to the margins of the political system. Trump brought populism from the margins to the center, and he is an inspiration for right wing European populists. Geert Wilders considered that Trump’s election was a “revolution”, and Marine LePen talked about the “emergence of a new world”.‍‍[1]
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Biden introduces Zelensky as President Putin at NATO Summit 

<a href=httpswwwtheguardiancom>The Guardian<a>

Video: At NATO Summit, Biden Introduces Zelensky as Putin. Gets “His Countries Mixed Up”, “Political Plagiarism” a…


.Biden confuses Harris for Trump, Zelensky for Putin, as he misspeaks during NATO press conference

Biden Vows to Stay in 2024 Race Despite ‚Putin‘, ‚Trump‘ Gaffes

President Joe Biden vowed he would remain in the 2024 presidential race, but two critical mistakes in the span of two hours deepened concerns about his mental acuity that threaten his campaign.
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