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Ukraine War: Washington Moves On to Plan B

By Mike Whitney

Global Research, April 29, 2024

Here’s what everyone needs to understand about Ukraine:
The United States has already moved on to Plan B. No, the Biden administration has not issued an official statement on the matter, but the shift has already begun.
The Washington Brain-trust has abandoned any hope of winning the war outright (Plan A) and has, thus, adopted a different strategy altogether. (Plan B)
Plan B is a combination of two main elements:
A—A Strategy of Denial, which is ‘a defensive approach designed to stop an adversary’ from achieving its goals. In this case, the objective is to prolong the conflict for as long as possible to prevent Russian from achieving a clear victory. That is the top priority.
B—To continue to increase and intensify asymmetrical attacks on vital infrastructure and civilian areas in Russia proper in order to inflict as much damage on Russia as possible.
This, in essence, is Plan B.
Any concern for the Ukrainian people or the future viability of the Ukrainian state, have not been factored in to Washington’s cynical calculation.
What matters is preventing a Russian victory and inflicting as much pain on Russia as possible. Those are the primary objectives. In practical terms, that means that more Ukrainian soldiers will be slaughtered wholesale in order to continue using Ukraine as a launching pad for attacks on Russia. In fact, UK warlords have already confirmed what we are saying here. Check out this excerpt from an article at Zero Hedge:
… UK defense chief, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, telling Financial Times that the West’s new infusion of military aid will help Ukraine increase its long-range strikes on Russian territory:
Ukraine is set to increase long-range attacks inside Russia as an influx of western military aid aims to help Kyiv shape the war “in much stronger ways”, the head of the UK military has said….
Adm. Radakin continued, “As Ukraine gains more capabilities for the long-range fight . . . its ability to continue deep operations will [increasingly] become a feature” of the war…… More of Radakin’s words point to escalation (and not negotiations) in the following… UK Defense Chief Says Ukraine To Increase Long-Range Strikes In RussiaZero Hedge
Gabor Steingart
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 Rheinmetall: Krieg treibt den KursKursverlauf von Rheinmetall seit 2022, in Euro 
Die Situation könnte für Rheinmetall kaum besser sein. Doch eine Sache stört das Rüstungsunternehmen und seine Branchenpartner: Noch immer hat die Finanzindustrie enorme Vorbehalte gegen Waffenhersteller.Das hat sehr konkrete Auswirkungen: Rüstungsunternehmen schultern Schwierigkeiten bei der Finanzierung, Konten werden gesperrt, ihre Aktien in Investmentportfolios nicht berücksichtigt. Zur Finanzierung der Zeitenwende fließt noch zu wenig privates Kapital.Mein Kollege Philipp Heinrich ist tiefer in die Debatte eingestiegen. Er zeigt Ihnen, wie in Brüssel über die „Nachhaltigkeit“ von Rüstungsunternehmen diskutiert wird und wie sich die Finanzethik in der Frage bewegt. Ob Rheinmetall mit dieser Entwicklung zufrieden sein kann, lesen Sie hier.
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